In part A, I explore diffusion models, implement sampling loops, and apply them to tasks like inpainting and creating optical illusions.
For this part, I instantiate DeepFloyd's stage_1
and stage_2
objects used for generation, as well as several text prompts for sample generation. To ensure that the generated images closely align with the textual descriptions, I experimented with various parameter settings, particularly adjusting num_inference_steps to observe changes in output quality. These trials helped me understand the model's ability to control image detail and refinement.
The random seed that I'm using here is $42$, and I would use the same seed all subsequent parts.
The text prompts used in this part are: an oil painting of a snowy mountain village, a man wearing a hat and a rocket ship. The corresponding generated images are as below:
an oil painting of a snowy mountain village
a man wearing a hat
a rocket ship
We could notice that the generated images are blurred in this stage.
an oil painting of a snowy mountain village
a man wearing a hat
a rocket ship
an oil painting of a snowy mountain village
a man wearing a hat
a rocket ship
an oil painting of a snowy mountain village
a man wearing a hat
a rocket ship
an oil painting of a snowy mountain village
a man wearing a hat
a rocket ship
We could observe that the quality of the outputs would be higher, i.e. the outputs would be fancier, if we provide text prompts with more details. Increasing the value of num_inference_steps
would also contribute to the quality of outputs, though it slows down generation. With higher num_inference_steps
values, the outputs show clearer structure and improved detail generally.
In this section of the problem set, I create my own "sampling loops" using the pretrained DeepFloyd denoisers to generate high-quality images. I adapt these sampling loops for various tasks, such as inpainting or creating optical illusions.
In this part, I implemente the forward process of the diffusion model, which involves gradually adding noise to a clean image. The forward process is defined by: $$ q(x_{t} | x_{0}) = \mathcal{N}(X_{t}, \sqrt{\overline{\alpha}}x_{0}, (1 - \overline{\alpha}_{t})\mathbf{I}), $$ which is equivalent to computing $$ x_{t} = \sqrt{\overline{\alpha}_{t}}x_{0} + \sqrt{1 - \overline{\alpha}_{t}} \epsilon \quad \text{where } \epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1). $$ That is, given a clean image $x_{0}$, we get a noisy image $x_{t}$ at timestep $t$ by sampling from a Gaussian with mean $\sqrt{\overline{\alpha}_{t}}x_{0}$ and variance $(1 - \overline{\alpha}_{t})$.
Here is an example of adding noise to campanile.jpg
noise level = 250
noise level = 500
noise level = 750
First try to denoise these images using classical methods. Again I work with the noisy images from timesteps $[250, 500, 750]$, applying Gaussian blur filtering in an effort to reduce the noise. The results are as below:
Noisy Campanile at t=250
Noisy Campanile at t=500
Noisy Campanile at t=750
Gaussian Blur Denoising at t=250
Gaussian Blur Denoising at t=500
Gaussian Blur Denoising at t=750
Now I utilize a pretrained diffusion model to perform denoising. The denoiser is implemented in stage_1.unet
, which is a UNet architecture that has been extensively trained on a vast dataset of $(x_{0}, x_{t})$ image pairs. This model enables us to estimate the Gaussian noise present in the image, which we can then subtract to retrieve an approximation of the original image.
Additionally, the diffusion model requires a text prompt embedding to guide the denoising process. I use "a high quality photo"
as the relevant text prompt for conditioning the model.
Original Campanile
Noisy Campanile
Estimate of Original Campanile
Original Campanile
Noisy Campanile
Estimate of Original Campanile
Original Campanile
Noisy Campanile
Estimate of Original Campanile
In Part $1.3$, we could observe that the denoising UNet performs well at projecting the image onto the natural image manifold, though it worsens as more noise is added. This makes sense since the problem becomes increasingly challenging with higher noise levels.
Diffusion models are designed for iterative denoising. To speed up this process, we can create a new list of timesteps called strided_timesteps
, allowing us to skip certain steps. The first element in strided_timesteps
corresponds to the noisiest image , i.e. with the largest timestep, and strided_timesteps[-1]
corresponds to a clean image. One straightforward way to construct this list is by introducing a regular stride. Here we apply a stride of $30$.
On the $i$-th denoising step, we’re at strided_timesteps[i]
and aim to reach strided_timesteps[i+1]
, moving from a noisier to a less noisy image. To do this, we apply the following formula:
x_{t'} = \frac{\sqrt{\overline{\alpha}_{t'}} \beta_{t}}{1 - \overline{\alpha}_{t}}x_{0} + \frac{\sqrt{\alpha_{t}}(1 - \overline{\alpha}_{t'})}{1 - \overline{\alpha}_{t}}x_{t} + v_{\sigma},
This formula gives the current estimate of the clean image, and it’s similar to the approach in section $1.3$.
The $v_{\sigma}$ is random noise, which in the case of DeepFloyd is also predicted. The function called add_variance
could add the correct amount of noise to the image.
The noisy images generated in the iteration of denoising are as below:
Noisy Campanile at t=690
Noisy Campanile at t=540
Noisy Campanile at t=390
Noisy Campanile at t=240
Noisy Campanile at t=90
Iterative Denoised Campanile
One-Step Denoised
Gaussian Blurred Campanile
In Part $1.4$, we use the diffusion model to denoise an image. Another thing we can do with the iterative_denoise function is to generate images from scratch. We can do this by setting i_start = 0
and passing in random noise. This effectively denoises pure noise. Here are 5 results of "a high quality photo"
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4
Sample 5
We could notice that the images generated in the previous section are not of high quality, with some appearing completely nonsensical. To significantly enhance image quality, we can employ a technique known as Classifier-Free Guidance (CFG).
In CFG, we calculate both conditional and unconditional noise estimates, denoted as $\epsilon_{c}$ and $\epsilon_{u}$. Our new noise estimate is then formulated as: $$ \epsilon = \epsilon_{u} + \gamma (\epsilon_{c} - \epsilon_{u}), $$ where $\gamma$ controls the strength of CFG. Notice that for $\gamma = 0$, we get an unconditional noise estimate, and for $\gamma = 1$ we get the conditional noise estimate. The magic happens when $\gamma > 1$. In this case, we get much higher quality images.
Here are $5$ images of "a high quality photo"
with a CFG scale of $\gamma = 7$, which look much better than those in the prior section:
Sample 1 with CFG
Sample 2 with CFG
Sample 3 with CFG
Sample 4 with CFG
Sample 5 with CFG
In Part $1.4$, we take a real image, add noise to it, and then apply a denoising process. This approach effectively allows us to make modifications to existing images. The more noise we introduce, the greater the potential for edits. This works because, in order to denoise an image, the diffusion model must "imagine" or "hallucinate" some new content—it needs to be "creative." Another way to think about it is that the denoising process "pushes" a noisy image back to the natural image manifold.
&esmp; Here, we'll take the original test image, add a small amount of noise, and then push it back to the image manifold without any conditioning. This will result in an image that resembles the test image (assuming a low-enough noise level). This follows the principles of the SDEdit algorithm.
To begin, we will run the forward process to generate a noisy test image, and then use the iterative_denoise_cfg
function with starting indices of [1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20]
steps to display the results, labeling each with its starting index. Here is an example of applying SDEdit to the image of Campanile:
SDEdit with i_start=1
SDEdit with i_start=3
SDEdit with i_start=5
SDEdit with i_start=7
SDEdit with i_start=10
SDEdit with i_start=20
SDEdit with i_start=1
SDEdit with i_start=3
SDEdit with i_start=5
SDEdit with i_start=7
SDEdit with i_start=10
SDEdit with i_start=20
SDEdit with i_start=1
SDEdit with i_start=3
SDEdit with i_start=5
SDEdit with i_start=7
SDEdit with i_start=10
SDEdit with i_start=20
This approach is especially effective when we start with non-realistic images, such as paintings, sketches, or scribbles, and transform them onto the manifold of natural images. I will try using hand-drawn images to see how they can be creatively mapped onto the natural image manifold.
This is an example of processing a fancy hand-drawn image I downloaded from the web:
Flower at i_start=1
Flower at i_start=3
Flower at i_start=5
Flower at i_start=7
Flower at i_start=10
Flower at i_start=20
I also create my own works:
Cat at i_start=1
Cat at i_start=3
Cat at i_start=5
Cat at i_start=7
Cat at i_start=10
Cat at i_start=20
House at i_start=1
House at i_start=3
House at i_start=5
House at i_start=7
House at i_start=10
House at i_start=20
Given an original image $x_{orig}$ and a binary mask $\mathbf{m}$, we can generate a new image that retains the original content where $\mathbf{m} = 0$, while generating new content in the regions where $\mathbf{m} = 1$.
To achieve this, we use the diffusion denoising loop. At each step, after obtaining $x_{t}$, we "force" $x_{t}$ to match the original image in regions where $\mathbf{m} = 0$. This can be expressed as follows: $$ x_{t} \leftarrow \mathbf{m}x_{t} + (1 - \mathbf{m})\text{forward}(x_{orig}, t). $$
In essence, this approach leaves everything within the mask region untouched, while replacing everything outside the mask with the original image content, with the correct level of noise for the current timestep $t$.
Now we could edit the picture to inpaint the top of the Campanile:
Hole to Fill
Campanile Inpainted
In this case, we could find that the Campanile becomes a lighthouse!
I also apply this to other images:
This is my favourite result. Under the starry sky, the mountains transform into an ocean with islands, a truly dreamy scene.
Hole to Fill
Mountain Inpainted
Here we change the face of Chandler and now he becomes a man with a surprising face.
Hole to Fill
Chandler Inpainted
Now, we will replicate the procedure from the previous section, but this time we will guide the projection using a text prompt. This approach goes beyond merely projecting onto the natural image manifold by incorporating language for additional control. All we need to do is replace the prompt "a high-quality photo"
with one of the precomputed prompts we provide.
Here are some examples:
Rocket Ship at noise level 1
Rocket Ship at noise level 3
Rocket Ship at noise level 5
Rocket Ship at noise level 7
Rocket Ship at noise level 10
Rocket Ship at noise level 20
Pencil at noise level 1
Pencil at noise level 3
Pencil at noise level 5
Pencil at noise level 7
Pencil at noise level 10
Pencil at noise level 20
Waterfall at noise level 1
Waterfall at noise level 3
Waterfall at noise level 5
Waterfall at noise level 7
Waterfall at noise level 10
Waterfall at noise level 20
In this section, we would implement Visual Anagrams and use diffusion models to create optical illusions. For example, our goal is to produce an image that appears as "an oil painting of people around a campfire"
, but when flipped upside down, reveals "an oil painting of an old man"
To achieve this, we’ll denoise the image at step $t$ using the prompt "an oil painting of an old man"
, obtaining a noise estimate $\epsilon_{1}$. At the same time, we’ll flip the image upside down and denoise it with the prompt "an oil painting of people around a campfire"
, resulting in noise estimate $\epsilon_{2}$. By flipping $\epsilon_{2}$ back to its original orientation and averaging it with $\epsilon_{1}$, we get a combined noise estimate. Finally, we apply a reverse diffusion step with this averaged noise estimate.
The full algorithm will be: $$ \epsilon_{1} = \textbf{UNet}(x_{t}, t, p_{1}) $$ $$ \epsilon_{2} = \textbf{flip}(\textbf{UNet}(\textbf{flip}(x_{t}), t, p_{2})) $$ $$ \epsilon = (\epsilon_{1} + \epsilon_{2}) / 2 $$ where UNet is the diffusion model UNet from before, $\textbf{flip}(\cdot)$ is a function that flips the image, and $p_{1}$ and $p_{2}$ are two different text prompt embeddings. And our final noise estimate is $\epsilon$.
Here are some examples:
In this image, you can see some people sitting by a campfire, but when it is flipped upside down, it transforms into an old man.
An Oil Painting of People around a Campfire
An Oil Painting of an Old Man
I got this pair of images using "a photo of the amalfi cost"
and "an oil painting of a snowy mountain village"
. In the image on the left, you can see the beautiful Amalfi Coast. When flipped, it reveals a snowy mountain with villages afar.
A Photo of the Amalfi Cost
An Oil Painting of a Snowy Mountain Village
These images are generated from "a photo of a man"
and "a photo of a dog"
. In this image, there is a self-portrait of a serious man; when flipped, it transforms into a cute Beagle dog.
A Photo of a Man
A Photo of a Dog
In this section, I implement Factorized Diffusion to create hybrid images, similar to what we did in Project $2$.
To make hybrid images with a diffusion model, we can apply a related approach. I generate a composite noise estimate by using two distinct text prompts to estimate the noise separately. Then, combine the low frequencies from one noise estimate with the high frequencies from the other. The process is as follows:
$$ \epsilon_{1} = \textbf{UNet}(x_{t}, t, p_{1}) $$$$ \epsilon_{2} = \textbf{UNet}(x_{t}, t, p_{2}) $$$$ \epsilon = f_{\text{lowpass}}(\epsilon_{1}) + f_{\text{highpass}}(\epsilon_{2}) $$where UNet is the diffusion model UNet, $f_{\text{lowpass}}$ is a low pass function, $f_{\text{highpass}}$ is a high pass function, and $p_{1}$ and $p_{2}$ are two different text prompt embeddings. Our final noise estimate is $\epsilon$. For the low-pass and high-pass filters, I simply apply a Gaussian blur with a kernel size of $33$ and a sigma of $2$.
Here are some of my examples. We could see waterfalls, two man sitting by the campfire and a snowy village in the images below.
A Lithograph of Waterfalls
An Oil Painting of People Arould a Campfire
An Oil Painting of a Snowy Mountain Village
Scale them down to simulate the scene as if viewed from a distance. Now we could find a skull, an old man with white beards and a dog.
A Lithograph of a Skull
An Oil Painting of an Old Man
A Photo of a Dog
In this part, I will train my own diffussion model on MNIST.
In this part, we will implement a denoiser as a U-Net. It consists of a few downsampling and upsampling blocks with skip connections. First we define a few tensor operations:
The diagram above uses a number of standard tensor operations defined as follows:
.At a high level, the blocks do the following:
is the number of hidden channels and is a hyperparameter that we will set ourselves.We define composed operations using our simple operations in order to make our network deeper. This doesn't change the tensor's height, width, or number of channels, but simply adds more learnable parameters.
For this part, we aim to solve the following denoising problem: Given a noise $z$, we aim to train a denoiser $D_{\theta}$ such that it maps the noise to a clean image $x$. To do so, we could optimize over an L2 loss: $$ L = \mathbb{E}_{z, x} \|D_{\theta}(z) - x\|^{2}. $$
To train our denoiser, we need to generate training data pairs of $(z, x)$, where each $x$ is a clean MNIST digit. For each training batch, we can generate $z$ from $x$ using the the following noising process: $$ z = x + \sigma \epsilon, \quad \text{where } \epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, I). $$
Here are some examples for different noising processes over $\sigma = [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]$:
Now I will train the model to perform denoising. Here I just set $\sigma = 0.5$ when training. I use Adam as the optimizer and use the following hyperparameters:
num_hidden = 128
batch_size = 256
num_epochs = 5
lr = 1e-4
Here is a training loss curve ploting every few iterations during the whole training process:
The sample results after the $1\text{st}$ and $5\text{th}$ epoch are shown as below:
Results after 1 epoch of training
Results after 5 epochs of training
Once trained enough, we could use our denoising UNet on noisy samples from our test set. I test by keeping the same image, and varying $\sigma = [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]$. The results on the test set are as below:
We are now prepared to start the diffusion process, where we will train a UNet model capable of iteratively denoising images. In this section, we will implement DDPM (Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model).
We will first introduce one small difference: we can change our UNet to predict the added noise $\epsilon$ instead of the clean image $x$. Mathematically, these are equivalent since $x = z - \sigma \epsilon$. Therefore, the new loss function becomes: $$ L = \mathbb{E}_{\epsilon, z} \|\epsilon_{\theta}(z) - \epsilon\|^{2}, $$ where $\epsilon_{\theta}$ is a UNet trained to predict noise.
In diffusion, our ultimate goal is to start with a pure noise image and generate a realistic image from it. However, as we observed in Part 1, a single-step denoising approach does not produce satisfactory results. Instead, we need to denoise the image iteratively to achieve better outcomes.
We could generate noisy images $x_{t}$ from $x_{0}$ for some timestep $t$ for $t \in \{0, 1, \cdots, T\}$: $$ x_{t} = \sqrt{\overline{\alpha}_{t}}x_{0} + \sqrt{1 - \overline{\alpha}_{t}}\epsilon \quad \text{where } \epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1). $$
Intuitively, when $t = 0$ we want $x_{t}$ to be the clean image $x_{0}$, when $t = T$ we want $x_{t}$ to be pure noise $\epsilon$, and for $t \in \{1, \cdots, T - 1\}$, $x_{t}$ should be some linear combination of the two. Here is a DDPM recipe to build a list $\overline{\alpha}$ for $t \in \{0, 1, \cdots, T\}$ utilizing lists $\alpha$ and $\beta$:
To denoise image $x_{t}$, we could simply apply our UNet $\epsilon_{\theta}$ on $x_{t}$ to obtain the noise $\epsilon$. However, this approach would be suboptimal because the UNet expects the noisy image to have a specific noise variance $\sigma = 0.5$ for the best results, while the variance of $x_{t}$ actually varies with each timestep $t$. Although training $T$ separate UNets for each timestep is possible, it’s far more efficient to condition a single UNet on the timestep $t$. This brings us to our final objective: $$ L = \mathbb{E}_{\epsilon, x_{0}, t} \|\epsilon_{\theta}(x_{t}, t) - \epsilon\|^{2}. $$
We need a method to incorporate the scalar as a conditioning element in our UNet model. Here is a possible way:
This approach introduces a new operator, called FCBlock (fully-connected block), which we use to inject the conditioning signal into the UNet:
Here Linear(F_in, F_out) is a linear layer with F_in input features and F_out output features, which could be implemented using nn.Linear
Since the conditioning signal $t$ is a scalar, F_in should be of size $1$. Here I also normalize $t$ to be in the range $[0, 1]$ before embedding it, i.e. pass in $\frac{t}{T}$. The pseudocode for embedding $t$ is as follows:
fc1_t = FCBlock(...)
fc2_t = FCBlock(...)
# the t passed in here should be normalized to be in the range [0, 1]
t1 = fc1_t(t)
t2 = fc2_t(t)
# Follow diagram to get unflatten.
# Replace the original unflatten with modulated unflatten.
unflatten = unflatten + t1
# Follow diagram to get up1.
# Replace the original up1 with modulated up1.
up1 = up1 + t2
# Follow diagram to get the output.
Training our time-conditioned UNet $\epsilon_{\theta}$ is straightforward now. We simply select a random image from the training set, choose a random timestep $t$, and train the denoiser to predict the noise present in the image $x_{t}$. This process is repeated with various images $x_{t}$ and timestep values $t$ until the model converges to satisfactory performance.
with flags to access training and test sets with shuffling them before creating the dataloader.1e-3
. I also use an exponential learning rate decay scheduler with a gamma of $0.1^{(1.0/\text{num\_epochs})}$, which can be implemented using scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ExponentialLR(...)
. In addition, I call scheduler.step()
after every epoch.num_hidden = 64
batch_size = 128
num_epochs = 20
lr = 1e-3
A training loss curve plot for the time-conditioned UNet over the whole training process is shown as below:
The pseudocode for the sampling process is as follows:
Here are some sampling results for the time-conditioned UNet:
Epoch 1
Epoch 5
Epoch 10
Epoch 15
Epoch 20
To improve results and allow more control over image generation, we can optionally condition our UNet on the digit class 0-9. This will involve adding two additional FCBlocks to our UNet. For the class-conditioning vector $c$, I use a one-hot encoded vector rather than a single scalar. Since we also want the UNet to work without class conditioning, I apply dropout, setting the class conditioning vector to $0$ about $10\%$ of the time ($p_{\text{uncond}} = 0.1$). Here is one approach to condition our UNet $\epsilon_{\theta}(x_{t}, t, c)$ on both time $t$ and class $c$:
fc1_t = FCBlock(...)
fc1_c = FCBlock(...)
fc2_t = FCBlock(...)
fc2_c = FCBlock(...)
t1 = fc1_t(t)
c1 = fc1_c(c)
t2 = fc2_t(t)
c2 = fc2_c(c)
# Follow diagram to get unflatten.
# Replace the original unflatten with modulated unflatten.
unflatten = c1 * unflatten + t1
# Follow diagram to get up1.
# Replace the original up1 with modulated up1.
up1 = c2 * up1 + t1
# Follow diagram to get the output.
Training for this section will be similar to the time-only training, with the main difference being the addition of the conditioning vector $c$ and periodically performing unconditional generation.
A training loss curve plot for the class-conditioned UNet over the whole training process is shown as below:
The pseudocode for the sampling process is as follows:
Here are some sampling results for the class-conditioned UNet where I use classifier-free guidance with $\gamma = 5.0$:
Epoch 1
Epoch 5
Epoch 10
Epoch 15
Epoch 20
I was also curious about the influence of guidance scale, so I tried guidance_scale = [0, 5, 10]
guidance_scale = 0
guidance_scale = 5
guidance_scale = 10
We could find that guidance_scale = 5
performs best, while guidance_scale = 0
provides strange digits and guidance_scale = 10
emphasizes the characteristic features too much.
Here are some sampling result gifs for the time-conditioned UNet:
Epoch 1
Epoch 5
Epoch 10
Epoch 15
Epoch 20
The sampling result gifs for the class-conditioned UNet with $\gamma = 5.0$ are as follows:
Epoch 1
Epoch 5
Epoch 10
Epoch 15
Epoch 20
In this project, I gained hands-on experience with diffusion models, starting with pre-trained models in Part A, where I explored their functionality by implementing diffusion sampling loops and applying them to tasks such as inpainting and creating optical illusions. This provided me with a solid understanding of how diffusion models work and how they can be utilized for various image generation tasks. In Part B, I furthered my knowledge by training my own diffusion model on the MNIST dataset, which allowed me to understand the nuances of model training, conditioning, and how to generate images from noise. Overall, I really enjoyed the process of learning the principles and application methods from the ground up.